Saturday 17 May 2014


This is how you join Vemma in Nigeria and other countries but first about Vemma. Vemma officially launched in Nigeria on May 2014.

Vemma Nutrition Company is a premier industry leader specializing in premium liquid nutrition. Combined
with a rewarding business opportunity, Vemma allows people the opportunity to live a better quality of life,
both physically and financially.

Vemma was founded in 2004 by CEO and Founder, BK Boreyko, along with his co-founding sisters, Karen
and Lauren Boreyko.

The dynamic referral-based Vemma rewards model has paid out millions to tens of thousands of Brand
Partners in about 50 countries around the world.

 Unlike typical business models, Vemma empowers Brand Partners to refer the Vemma products and
opportunity to others by providing them with a free website, training tools, marketing materials,
events and much more. Vemma’s referral concept rewards Brand Partners directly. The company seeks
entrepreneurial-minded individuals with the desire to be healthy and in business for themselves, and
provides personalized support every step of the way.

Vemma is a company that cares, and BK devotes a large portion of his personal and corporate resources to
enrich the lives of others.


1. Go to
2. Click "get started" at the to or "start your business" by the side bar
3. Select the product you wish to purchase at signup
4. Click "checkout"
5. Fill in your details
6. Select that you want to be and affiliate
7. Submit (and you will get details of what to do next)
8. Hurray! you are enrolled as an affiliate now and can start earning money
9. Send me an email to and i will send you training documents
10. Text me your details to +2348113899125
11. Follow us on twitter @vemmang
12. Like our Facebook page Vemma Nigeria Network


1. Go to
2. Click "get started" at the to or "start your business" by the side bar
3. Select the product you wish to purchase at signup
4. Click "checkout"
5. Fill in your details
6. Select that you are a customer
7. Submit (and you will get details of what to do next)
8. Hurray! you are enrolled as an affiliate now and can start earning money
9. Send me an email to and i will send you training documents
10. Text me your details to +2348113899125
11. Follow us on twitter @vemmang
12. Like our Facebook page Vemma Nigeria Network


1 comment:

  1. illuminati council, I am hear to publish to the hole word,that the door is open again for any one how make up his or her mind to join the great brotherhood of the Illuminati,I was authorise by the higher priest to publish it to the masses on any one how is ready to join the family,is all about riches and powers to become famous in life, is a well- known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires , Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs , including the planning of a New World Order . Many world leaders, Presidents , Prime Ministers , royalty and senior executives of major Fortune 500 companies are members of lluminati,for any one how is ready to join you must have good talent,E.g,politician,pastors, business man or woman,working class,transporters or celebrity, does are the people we need how have good reputation, after the consultation which we make you a full member,the new members,we be given 900,000 million USD dollars and a power talisman to back up the wealth for ever,every three weeks you we be well pay,if you are from Americans, Europeans, India,Malayan. WhatsApp lord harry from united kingdom, on +12534995394,if you are from any country in Africa WhatsApp the great,gram-master of the brotherhood on how to join on,+2349036317149 or call him,before you call or WhatsApp your talent must be well okay,again you mush be above 20 years old.



Thanks for commenting, if you left your contact information we will contact you as soon as possible.