Saturday 5 July 2014


Freedom. It’s a right, not a privilege! This Friday, the United States of America will celebrate its Independence Day — 238 years of its citizens having the power to act, speak and think as they want, without hindrance or restraint.
When it comes to business, wouldn’t it be nice to have a little personal independence and freedom to choose how you do business? Here at Vemma, we’d like to think that we give you that independence, including the freedom to work when, where and with who you want.

Here are 5 ways Vemma gives you freedom:

1. Time

As a Vemma Affiliate, you work when you feel like it and take time off when you want. Set your own hours, and adjust your schedule as you see fit!

2. Control

You are at the helm of your business. Your success is based on your own actions!

3. Location

With Vemma, you can work anywhere, anytime. No bosses, unlimited income potential, and true freedom. Nothing else offers so much potential.
5 Ways Vemma Gives You Freedom

4. Flexibility

You have the flexibility to live your life the way you want. Have fun and work your business when and where you want! That makes it all — work and fun — feel like a choice, instead of an obligation.

5. Choices

As a Vemma Affiliate, you decide who you want to work with, which customers you want to prospect, and which ultra-premium products you’d like to sell. Ultimately, when you chose to become an Affiliate, you decided you wanted to join us on our health and wellness revolution, and we thank you for making that choice!

The creators of the United States Declaration of Independence proclaimed that all men are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” and here at Vemma, we couldn’t agree more!
If you’re not already a Vemma Affiliate please go to click on start your business and fill the form you could contact me on and follow us on twitter @vemmang go here and see how we do business in Vemma

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